Games of the Tafl family are distinguished by the unequal size of the opposing forces. The objective is usually for the force of fewer numbers to take all the members of the larger forces whose aim is generally to stop them doing so.
A fragment of a gaming board of 18 x 18 squares, found in Wimose, Fyn, Denmark dated prior to AD400 is the first evidence of a game called Tafl, which also regularly appears in the early Icelandic sagas.
Tafl apparently developed into Hnefatafl (which literally translates as 'Kings Table'), which was played by the Saxons as well as other Northern Europeans on the same size board and which is mentioned in Icelandic sagas from the beginning of the fourteenth century. The Vikings took the game with them on their forages which helped it to spread far and wide. A Latin text written during the reign of King Athelstan (AD 925-40) describes the Saxon form of Hnefatafl which was played in England at the time. It was most popular in Northern Europe during the dark ages until Chess started to take over during the 11th Century and the last references to it being played are in Wales in 1587 and in Lappland in 1723. It isn't known exactly how either Tafl or Hnefatafl were played.
Evidence shows that the game of Tablut, described by a traveller called Linnaeus during his trip to Finland in 1732, is likely to have been very similar to Hnefatafl. It is played on a 9 x 9 board with one player controlling a King who starts in the centre and who is supported by eight blonde Swedes versus the other player who moves sixteen dark Muscovites. All pieces move orthogonally like a Rook in Chess, one players objective being to move the King to one of the corners, the others to take the King.
The popular modern game of Solitaire is played on a Fox and Geese board. The game was supposedly invented by a French count who was incarcarated in prison. Solitaire was brought to England in the eighteenth century.
Similar games are found in Southern Asia but these are not of the Tafl group
being descended from a separate source. Two examples are Cows and Leopards from
Ceylon and Tigers and Goats, the National Game of Nepal.
King's Table: Game of the Noble Scandinavians A well written and colourfully illustrated guide to the Tafl family
A large and extremely impressive detailed overview of rules and variations of Hnefatafl by Sten Helmfrid
Expomedia's Tablut You can play Tablut on-line. Or else you can buy and download a version to play on your PC.
Bagha Chal - Tigers and Goats, The national game of Nepal
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